Warhammer 40k MISSION PACK: OPEN WAR cards


Warhammer 40k MISSION PACK: OPEN WAR cards

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A deck of 51 cards split into five types, they help you determine the deployment, objectives and special rules for open play games. Included: - 12x deployment cards: Twelve different styles of player deployment - 9x objectives cards: Nine different objectives for winning the game - 18x twist cards: Eighteen different special rules that can be used to add a special factor to the game, such as acid rain, orbital debris and fighting in the dead of night - 6x ruse cards: Six different cards that can be used to glean an advantage, such as ambushing or digging in – used to counter a higher Power Rating - 6x sudden death cards: Six different cards that provide different ways to win if you are significantly outnumbered.

Product code : 40-20

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